To coincide with The Print Block
collaboration with the Sidney Cooper
Contemporary Print Fair we were
asked if we could provide some
printing workshops in Canterbury.
Over 2 days we held 4 workshops
which proved very popular and we
had some amazing feedback which
was lovely.
These are examples of work by our
first class. The screen printing
taught by Suki and Karen focused
on colour transparency & pattern
making and the monoprinting taught
by Ruth McDonald introduced them
to colour, pattern, texture and
her expertise for mark making.
We would like to thank our brilliant
and lovely volunteers Teresa and
Hannah who worked tirelessly
juggling buckets of water,
hairdryers and a host of other
useful things which were invaluable
in making our workshops run so
smoothly. Also a big thank you to
Hazel and Harriet at The Sidney
Cooper Gallery for being so
supportive and for giving us the
opportunity to teach printmaking
in such a lovely big space!